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Mark Jonathan 
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I Want To Be A Theatre Lighting Designer
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Mark's Career


I Want to be a Theatre Lighting Designer

You may want to light plays, musicals, opera, dance or any form of live performance or you might prefer pop shows, television, film or even architectural lighting design. While there is a crossover in skills needed for live performance, film, television and architecture, they tend to have separate career development paths.

You need to have a keen interest in theatre. Since lighting is a mix of art and science, you will find that drama, literature, music, history, physics, mathematics, languages, art, history of art, technical drawing/CAD, information technology, and engineering will all be useful subjects to choose from.

You could develop your theatre interests at school by joining a youth theatre or amateur group. There are many technical and design courses available at colleges and universities nationwide, some offering a BA course. Try and get general technical experience. Once you start working, you need to get experience and it’s unlikely that you will start straight away as a lighting designer. Many lighting designers start as theatre lighting technicians (also known as theatre electricians) rigging, focusing and programming lighting for lighting designers. Others work as assistants to lighting designers before becoming lighting designers themselves.



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