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David Farr 
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I Want To Be an Artistic Director


I Want To Be An Artistic Director

If you want to be the artistic director of a theatre, it's probably because you have a passion for theatre. As an artistic director, you will have to know a great deal about how a theatre works, so the best place to start is to get involved, whether in acting, or doing something behind the scenes. You need to get a sense of the environment and understand how all the different departments are involved in making a production come together. At school, you will get a good background by taking arts courses such as drama, English and media studies. Whether you decide to go to a community college or to university, you should look into diplomas in performing or theatre arts, or fine arts degrees that focus on drama.

An artistic director will have to deal with a lot of different people, so you should really like working with people and be able to inspire others. Creativity is also important since you will need a vision for the theatre as a whole, and choose productions that fit this vision. It also helps to be organized and to have stamina, since you will have many varied responsibilities, but these are qualities that can be developed.


Beasts and Beauties
Running a Theatre
Connections: Garry Ferguson Production Manager | Melly Still Director | Chris Harper Marketing Director
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