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I Want To Be A Fight Arranger


I Want To Be A Fight Arranger

There are few Fight Arrangers, or Directors and they tend to be in high demand. There is no one well-trodden route to becoming one. You will need to become an Equity member, then a member of the Fight Directors’ Register within Equity. In order to do that you need qualifications in martial arts, British amateur fencing and first aid and then do a weekend course where you are observed choreographing fights. You then serve an apprenticeship working with a fight director traveling around with him or her. Most people who come into it come from being an actor in one way or another. Being a Fight Director it is one of those jobs where it is hard to pin point what makes you good at it. For more information get in touch with the Equity Fight Directors’ Register.


His Dark Materials
Fight Training
Beyond The Book
Faith Truth And Blasphemy
Connections: Nicholas Hytner Director | Anna Maxwell Martin Actor | Danny Sapani Actor | Matt Wilde Assistant Director
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