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Bill Talbot 
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I Want To Be A Prop Manager
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Meet Bill Talbot
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Bill's career


Bill Talbot: Head of Props

Like costumes, props used in performance can subtly affect how an audience understands what is happening on stage. Just as clothes, and how they are worn, can tell us about class, status and profession, so too the choice of a property can send out telling signals about a character. If, say, the script requires a character to walk with a stick, what kind of stick is it? An elegant light cane topped with a carved ivory handle in the shape of a bird, or a heavy thick stick topped with a round and solid polished wooden top? The choice (and how it is made) will play a part in helping the actor who uses it achieve the characterisation, as well as helping the overall meaning of the action. The Bristol Old Vic's Head of Props, Bill Talbot, has to be able to think on his feet, and improvise as it is often necessary to quickly find materials to make a prop or to fix one that is damaged. Bill also finds that his job requires creativity and lateral thinking, since with the tight props budget, he must often find innovative ways to re-use existing materials. He has to liaise with the set designer, and with the director, and on a day-to-day basis with the Production manager to make sure everything is on schedule and budget.


Beasts and Beauties
Staging Miracles
Lessons for All
Connections: Melly Still Director | Garry Ferguson Production Manager | Lynn Ferguson Wardrobe supervisor
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