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Nicholas Wright 
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Meet Nicholas Wright
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Nicholas' Career
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I Want To Be A Playwright


Nicholas Wright - Playwright

Nicholas Wright knew and loved Philip Pullman’s trilogy before National Theatre Director Nicholas Hytner approached him about adapting it for the stage. He leapt at the opportunity (rare for a writer) to work collaboratively as part of a creative team involving the actors, designers, puppet-makers and composer. Wright was present at the three workshops held at the National Studio in order to develop the script and explore its theatrical potential, and from those early days through the entire rehearsals (where he was a constant presence) he was employed on almost continual rewrites of his own text. Sometimes only a word or a phrase would be changed or cut, but at others he would rewrite whole sections of the play because either he or Nicholas Hytner felt the need to clarify the story or elaborate on a crucial aspect of the plot. Wright is aware that some fans may find fault with his stage version but he says he knows the books better than anyone but the author and that Philip Pullman has been supportive and helpful throughout.


His Dark Materials
Set Design
Tech Rehearsal Cast
Beyond The Book
Faith Truth And Blasphemy
Connections: Philip Pullman Novelist | Giles Cadle Set Designer | Nicholas Hytner Director | Matt Wilde Assistant Director
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