Philip Pullman - Novelist Philip Pullman is acclaimed worldwide as the award-winning author of the trilogy His Dark Materials , but he has been writing novels, primarily for children, for over thirty years. He worked as a school teacher in Oxford, the source for much of his fiction, for many years. It was then that he began writing for children, first plays and then novels. It was not for many years that he earned enough from his writing to become a full-time novelist. Despite this he has resisted the temptation to write the stage script for His Dark Materials and he has been happy to let Playwright Nicholas Wright and Director Nicholas Hytner define their own vision of the work. He has been on hand during the rehearsals and read-throughs to offer them and the cast advice and support. He has recently published a sequel to the trilogy, Lyra’s Oxford , David Fickling Books, which takes on the story of the central character, Lyra Belaqua to find out what happened next. |  | |